Scholarship Programs

Collect more submissions hassle-free. Manage submission and create evaluation workflows. Select the worthiest winners for your scholarship.

Customers Running Scholarship Programs With Untap.

British Council

Scholarship Program Managed, From A to Z.

Program Landing Page

Customize your scholarship landing page. Communicate important information to your potential participants.

Collect submissions in phases

Add as many submission rounds as you need, collect more information in phases.

Automated Communication

Keep your participants informed. Engage easily, more frequently.

Flexible Evaluation Workflows

Make the right decisions about submissions. Select the most qualified participants.

Analyze Participation

Get analysis on all aspect of submissions for each phase. Understand your participants� data & demographics.

More Support, More Automation

Powerful Forms with Conditional Fields

Smooth experience for participants. Collect relevant information through conditional fields triggered based on participants� responses.

Run your Program in Phases

Add as many submission rounds as you need to collect more information from qualified participants.

Referee Letters

Let your participants request recommendation letters